Monday, November 24, 2008

Human Happiness

Here, I would like to write of a philosophy of eternal happiness and joy of and for humans. A world of a human brotherhood, a world not of nations nor of races or classes but, simply, of men. A love divine in its own right, and a brotherhood free in itself. As we ode to joy unto such a bond of men, we realize that joy can only be realized through this, and liberty achieved.

Any person, I believe, who realizes his existence through some aggregation of men which perpetrates crimes against humanity obviously deems himself to be unfree. This, I think to a highly certain degree, an intuition of sane beings. Human nature knows that even if it knows no thorough understanding why this intuition exists, they nevertheless, individually, follow this as much as possible. But we are aware that in history certain tyrants want to realize their own imperialistic ideals, and have therefore created just this types of aggregations of men. Then, when men find himself stuck to necessitating the existence of such aggregations as others have also created such things, they find themselves searching for what the truth to life is. And it is this.

The happier man is the person who so persistently develops his rational inquiry into what constitutes moral truth and civic virtue. Even if he were to acquire such great wealth and indulge in pleasures, that as long as his sense of morality which he has so criticized to the most rational degree justifies what he does or wishes to do, he is happy. He knows that as long as he may decline those temptations that degradades his higher morality, he is joyful to the extent that he knows what he does is right. As long as he does something which is true to his nature, he realizes that he needs nothing else in order to be happy, to becomes self-fulfilling. And when he finds out that his independence of critical scrutiny of morality is a right in itself, he becomes free. He who fufils his own nature by scritinizing his very nature knows that he is capable of engaging in critical introspection. He becomes happy as he needs no other to become fulfilled. No religion, nor the material world, becomes necessary as his self-determination of morality results in his own happiness.

The happier man, in recognizing that the opinions of others are as important as his own, becomes happier when he wishes to be true to himself and asks who actually is in the right. In this sense, the happier man, through the acquisition of higher morality, also empathizes. He becomes an ethical and compassionate being. In dong so, he also becomes more prone to objective person in the quest of objective and unbiased reason. And so the happier man, through the attaintment of higher morality through critical scrutiny, becomes compassionate, and from being empathizing he then becomes rational and objective. That is, he realizes reason though compassion and unbiased reasoning, and this through higher morality. All he needs to do, then, is to perfect his morality - to attempt a philosophy of morality that is lacking in logical fallacies and loopholes.

If a whole society, nay a whole human brotherhood of men on earth, were as moral, unbiased, and rational as the happier man, there is nothing else to be improved on than his reasoning. Then, a rational society that is in the pursuit of human happiness will make the study of Philosophy as the framework for the educational system.

But in reality, no such societies exist. Humans seem to be so distracted by their immediate needs that they forget those values of humanity, of reason, morality, and compassion. No society in the modern world treats the study of Philosophy as a striving need for human virtue. Men have created such systems that are the very opposite of rational societies, making material things seem more valuable than human happinness, and physical pleasure than constant critical introspection.

Humans may be social beings, and he may forget his reason of human virtue as he is constantly distracted by his socio-economic need to socialize for the indirect and unconscious expectation of reciprocation. This does not, however, give greater excuse for them to avoid self-examination and critical thinking. Only with this, will the modern man become the happier man living with meaning.

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