Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Human Rights Day, A Call to All!

It is the 10th of December 2008. And in my birth country, no celebrations are held. A day symbolic of the very dignity the human mind must hold to itself, that is of self dignity. A day representing that of the values of humanity, such as that of fairness and equality. Today it is Human Rights Day.

On the streets, facial expressions and movements were as ordinary as ever. The buildings as before. People were only interested in the coming Christmas season, the shopping, and its forthcoming slight market hike - a good sign for short-term investors, or traders. All in for the money, but all carrying the weight of their unforgivable attitude towards showing no appreciation to those rights they privilege from today. They think it is some entitlement, even if it can be infringed upon even by MY own government (on which I am very much against…), when in fact in history speaking of such notions could make you an outcast that easy and fast. They think that whatever happened in history has happened, and so like any other event, no commemoration is needed. Wherein, they believe that if we were to commemorate every event in history, there will be a seamless stream of celebrations that will not give leeway to work, and so this day is of no utilitarian difference. To them, celebrating this day has no monetary value in it, and so not worth acting upon this day any differently. To the people, this month, Christmas is coming, and that’s it!

Perhaps they just do not realize the vast sacrifices of deaths and heavy injuries of its proponents, and the collective and accumulative hurt their families felt. The passing day had no guarantee for themselves and for the loved ones, life was purposeless and in utter despair. I will attempt to document just a few here:

(1381) Wat Tyler’s Bloody Rebellion
The people rebelled against the British Monarchy for imposing an unpopular poll tax, restrictive wage laws and the like - number of 70,000 to 100,000 - headed by Wat Tyler and a few others. They marched to London. Accidents ignored, Wat was killed while negotiating with the king, and 15,000 peasants executed without trial to stop the rebellion.

(1524-1525) Peasant’s War in Germany
The German peasants of the time resented the class system’s inequities. They had issued demands of their own to the government, them inclusive of taxes and slavery. With the peasants’ wildfire of excitement, the peasant were killing all the noblemen who resisted and plundering castles. Soldiers used, and a bloodbath of 5000 of them were killed.

(1830) The July Revolution in France
Charles X, the French king, removed of the freedom of the press, dissolved a newly elected government, and restructured the election system to give maximal power to his ministers. Lives of noblemen and peasants lost as the peasants fought against the soldiers during the rebellion against the King’s unaccepted act of change. In the end, the fight life 2000 wounded and 1000 peasants dead.

These rebellions may be local at heart. Yet, each such act of civil disobedience against corruption for their own right to life is an act of defiance and courage that will resonate internationally and throughout time. As when people of knowledge rebel, they look to these for inspiration, and perhaps for solutions or strategies. For when people know that others have fought so valiantly with their very lives for their right to life and happiness, generations to come cannot let any of their bold efforts ever go to waste. In essence, they must ensure the quality of anti-corruption within the government to uphold the dignity of those dead and for themselves, their happiness.

Many other events could be recounted for the history regarding that of Human Rights. But this is not the point of the essay. The point is to re-state my disappointment in what I have observed today and to perhaps say here to spread the good word of Human Rights to all when they read this every year which is to come.

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